Cannabis Tutor Educating The World On Cannabis Wed, 11 Aug 2021 05:48:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CBD Oil For Gastritis /cbd-oil-for-gastritis /cbd-oil-for-gastritis#comments Thu, 29 Apr 2021 08:40:46 +0000 /7a9e76871e3a6cf0bf4273721e7933e4/?p=577

Cannabis And Gastritis: Could CBD Be Good For The Gut?

If you are a huge fan of dairy products or love spicy food, you may encounter a problem called gastritis. These products cause the irritation in your stomach, which drives the question: Can CBD – an extract from the cannabis plant – help with gastritis? Will it reduce the discomfort that is caused by gastritis? Read on and let’s find out.

Table of Contents

01. What Is Gastritis? | 02. Does CBD Help Gastritis? | 03. CBD Oil And Your Stomach | 04. Best CBD Oils For Gastritis  | 05. Comments

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation, erosion of the lining of the stomach. It can occur suddenly or gradually. So it can be acute or chronic. Gastritis can be caused by irritation from the alcohol consumption, stress, use of certain medications, infections from bacteria or viruses. The symptoms of gastritis are nausea, vomiting, indigestion, abnormal bloating, vomiting blood, hiccups. Treatment for gastritis is usually comes with avoiding of hot and spicy food, as it makes the stomach lining inflamed and irritated. So having a good healthy diet is one of the best ways to get rid from gastritis. If the problem is caused by pernicious anemia, you need to take C12 vitamin shots. Also, dairy products and products with gluten can cause some irritation in your stomach, so reducing or elimination these foods from your diet will help you in order to treat gastritis.

Does CBD oil help with gastritis?

CBD is a plant-based and natural therapy that demonstrated great beneficial effects for people, who struggle with a wide range of conditions, including gastritis. Gastritis can be caused by bacterial infection. Typically, it is treated with antibiotics, antacids, histamine blockers etc. Through interaction with receptors in the digestive and immune system, CBD oil has shown to reduce the inflammation in the digestive tract, improve the gut’s immune response and help with anxiety and stress that can be caused by symptoms of gastritis. While the research around CBD’s health benefits for human bodies is still in its infancy, there are many testimonies from people who have tried to use CBD in order to treat gastritis and have seen some improvements.

CBD has a unique interaction with endocannabinoid system that improve the body’s reaction to the pain and inflammation caused by gastritis. CBD helps to boost the production of anandamide that reduces pain and inflammation. You may also use CBD in order to control your nausea that is caused by gastritis.  Furthermore, taking CBD provides indirect benefits for people that struggle with gastritis as it lets you avoid the causes of this condition. If you have gastritis that is caused by chronic nausea or painkillers, CBD can actually help here.

How does CBD affect the stomach?  

CBD has shown to be very effective in relieving the symptoms of gastritis, such as nausea and vomiting. The research states that CBD can reduce these two common symptoms of gastritis by as much as 49%. CBD can also help in improving your appetite. It will not give you a huge result, but still CBD provides a stimulation effect for some people. CBD interacts with endocannabinoid system that regulates everyday functions. Many of these functions are connected to the functioning of your stomach and gastritis. CBD helps to increase the production of anandamide that maintains the pain signals and immune cells to control the body’s response to tissue damage. And if the anandamide increases, it helps to manage the pain and inflammation. CBD enhances the work of endocannabinoid system that boosts our body functions. And by improving the tissues ability to retain anandamide, CBD helps it to control the pain and inflammation.

Could CBD cause stomach issues?  

There is limited amount of research or studies available on this topic. But CBD generally is considered to be safe and not harmful for the human body. That’s why it will not cause any stomach issues. However, you need to know that there are some side effects of CBD, which are rare, but still exist. These side effects include: diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, dry mouth. These side effects are considered to be minor, but nausea, diarrhea and changes in appetite can be particularly relevant to people, who are struggling with gastritis. Also, there is a possibility that CBD interacts with other prescription medicine, so you should be very careful before taking CBD and check if you are not taking other medicine too. Please, discuss starting taking CBD with your doctor in order to avoid any worsening of your current health condition.

What To Look For In Quality CBD Oil

Everything You Need To Know Before Buying CBD Oil Maybe you’re considering a more holistic approach to medicine, or you just want to see what the buzz is about. If you’re thinking about buying CBD oil, then this article is for you. I’m going to share with you everything you need to know before you shop. Cannabis medicine works. It truly does. That’s why the medical marijuana ..

CBD dosage guide  

Unfortunately, it is really hard to find the right dosage, as there are many factors that influence the effects of CBD. Different people react differently to CBD, so there are many possible ways your body reaction to CBD. That’s why people usually start with the lowest dose available and see how it works for them. If it doesn’t help them, they start to increase the dose and try to find what works for them. There are some CBD dose recommendations that you can find online, but usually people just try and find out from the way their body reacts to CBD. There are many different factors that influence the result of taking CBD: weight, type of CBD, the way you take it, etc. For the best and quickest result you need to take CBD oil right in the mouth, then it will get faster absorbed into the body and you will feel the result sooner.

Best CBD oils for gastritis 

Looking for the best CBD oil? Check out this list of top oils, which are currently the best on the market:

CBD oil for gastritis: final verdict

In my opinion, CBD oil is a great dietary supplement. You can take it in addition to your current treatment and I think, it will only make your treatment more effective than usual. I believe CBD is a unique natural supplement that will definitely help you to deal with the problem and overcome it faster and with less stress and anxiety. You should still consult a doctor if you’ve having problems managing gastritis, or if you plan to take CBD in conjunction with any other medication.

CBD will definitely be helpful if you struggle with anxiety or stress from gastritis, which will make your experience better. Some patients that struggle with chronic gastritis develop mood disorders because of the stress associated with having the condition. That’s why CBD with its anti-inflammation and pain-relieving properties will work for these symptoms as well. So if you feel like you are struggling with similar symptoms, you should try CBD to see how it works and if it helps you.

 Now it’s your turn

If you feel like you need some of question answered after reading this article, please feel free to write them in the comment section. I will be glad to help you out and clarify everything for you. Moreover, if you have any relevant experience with using CBD oil in treatment of gastritis that you feel like you can share, please feel free to do that. That will be very appreciated, as this is a very interesting topic and usually there is not enough information available to understand the benefits and side effect of CBD. That’s why comments with personal experiences are very helpful and important as they help people to get more educated about the topic and make their decisions.

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CBD Oil For Warts /cbd-oil-for-warts /cbd-oil-for-warts#comments Mon, 15 Mar 2021 02:48:28 +0000

Can CBD oil be used to treat warts and other skin conditions?

As CBD oil gains more popularity in the natural skincare market, consumers are raising more and more questions about its various benefits and uses, and what it’s actually capable of doing. Many studies and reviews agree that CBD oil has a number of health benefits and medical purposes, ranging from helping with chronic pain to soothing anxiety and even clearing acne. But what about warts? And what does CBD oil really do to your skin?

Table of Contents

01. What Is CBD Oil? | 02. CBD Oil For Warts | 03. CBD Oil And Skincare04. Best CBD Oils For Warts  | 05. Comments

CBD oil has been shown to be a powerful skincare tool: It is known to alleviate common skin problems like eczema, acne, and psoriasis. It has antioxidant, anti-aging and even anti-inflammatory properties. Its antioxidant characteristics help fight to neutralize free radicals in the body. The anti-inflammatory ones aid in reducing irritation and redness. And, finally, its anti-aging properties help to fight with wrinkles and aid to maintain a youthful appearance.

What is CBD oil?

In simple words, CBD oil is the concentrated liquid extract from the marijuana plant or cannabis sativa. Just like with any other herbal extracts, the chemicals in CBD oil vary depending on the way the extract is made and what chemicals the plant contained in the first place.

The cannabis plant produces many compounds, but the most well-known belong to a class called ‘cannabinoids’. The two most popular in that class are THC (or tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (or cannabidiol). THC is the main psychoactive component in marijuana and it is the one responsible for inebriating effects – or ‘getting high’. However, CBD, unlike THC, does not have any psychoactive components and is widely used for its health benefits.

CBD products that do not have THC in them fall outside the range of the US Drug Enforcement Agency’s Controlled Substances Act, meaning that CBD products are legal to sell and consume by anyone, anywhere as long as they do not contain THC. This is probably the main reason why CBD products, especially CBD oil, are gaining more and more popularity.

What are warts? What causes them?

Warts are a really unpleasant thing to suffer from. They are small, self-limited tumors that are caused by lots of different types of HPV (or human papillomaviruses). The main five types of warts are:

  • Common
  • Plantar
  • Flat
  • Filiform
  • Periungual

They may appear anywhere on the body, from the face to the feet. Traditional treatments for warts usually include cantharidin, different types of medication, freezing or even minor surgery. And, unfortunately, warts usually require more than just one treatment before showing any signs of regression.

Does CBD oil help treat warts?

CBD oil has been used to treat a really wide range of medical conditions for a while now. Recently, it has gained the attention of the public for its potential to treat seizures – for example in 12-year-old Charlotte Figi. In recent times, CBD oil has been successfully used to treat skin conditions as well.

There is one study in the British Journal of Pharmacology that states that phytocannabinoids – more specifically the CBD component – are able to control proliferation and differentiation in cells, meaning that they could be used to treat warts and a few more skin conditions.

Fortunately, CBD oil is becoming more accessible and is being made in different forms. For treating skin conditions, topicals creams and ointments are the most popular and useful.

CBD Cream for Tendonitis

How does CBD oil affect your skin?

There and lots of direct benefits of using tropical CBD on your skin, including:

  • Acne reduction – acne is a very common skin problem, even for adults, that can be frustrating and embarrassing. It has many underlying causes, but it is usually made worse by stress, medication, hormones and poor skincare habits. Anything that can encourage the overproduction of sebum can be a problem since it is meant to produce protective oil, rather than thick, damaging oil. However, CBD can successfully regulate the production of sebum by influencing endocannabinoid receptors.
  • Eczema treatment – it is not yet known what causes eczema, but experts think that it could be an allergic reaction happening underneath the skin. Since the rash is inflammatory it can be treated with CBD oil, which has anti-inflammatory components. Even if it cannot eradicate the rash caused by eczema completely, it can significantly help.
  • Anti-oil – Oily skin is one of the biggest issues surrounding skin care. Skin with excessive oil can cause clogged pores and pimples that can be aggravated by the use of makeup or poor skincare hygiene. CBD oil has anti-oil properties that are instrumental in the prevention of breakouts since it can minimize the production of sebum and contribute to the normalization of the overactive sebaceous gland. This makes your face less oily and your pores less clogged.
  • Nourishing and moisturizing – Skincare products that contain CBD can both nourish and moisturize your skin. They contain vitamins A, D, and E, with fatty acids that will help your skin look plumper and more radiant.
  • Anti-aging – If your body is low in antioxidants, CBD oil can help your body and your skin with a vital boost. These antioxidants can help minimize the appearance of wrinkles and even give your skin a youthful glow by helping to prevent your skin from becoming dry, thin and fragile.
  • Relief from itching – CBD has analgesic properties that, along with its anti-inflammatory properties, can make it an effective option to relieve itching caused by conditions like sunburns, bug bites, sores, bumps and minor rashes.

What To Look For In Quality CBD Oil

Everything You Need To Know Before Buying CBD Oil Maybe you’re considering a more holistic approach to medicine, or you just want to see what the buzz is about. If you’re thinking about buying CBD oil, then this article is for you. I’m going to share with you everything you need to know before you shop. Cannabis medicine works. It truly does. That’s why the medical marijuana ..

CBD oil dosage for skincare

It is important to know that there is no such thing as a CBD overdose. However, there are recommended dosages based on your weight, height, how used to CBD oil your body is, and so on. However, each person responds differently so you will have to make several attempts until finding the right dosage for you.

It’s generally recommended that first users of cannabis products should start off with smaller doses, and work their way up until they are having the desired effect. Start by using just a small amount of cream or ointment, and add more every hour until you figure out what’s right for you.

Does CBD oil have side effects?

Cannabidiol is safe when taken orally and appropriately. CBD doses of up to 300mg daily have been used safely for up to 6 months, and higher doses of 1200-1500mg daily have been used daily for up to 4 weeks. However, there have been some reported side effects of CBD that include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Drowsiness

Nevertheless, there are some precautions and warnings related to the use of CBD:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding – there is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking cannabidiol if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Parkinson’s disease – some early research can suggest that ingesting high doses of cannabidiol might make muscle movement and tremors worse in people suffering from this type of disease.

Best CBD Oils for Warts

Whether you need an unconventional treatment for warts or other skin conditions, or you want to slather your skin in serums or treat yourself to a 20-minute mask session, we have a couple of CBD-infused skin-care products to add to your daily routine.

CBD Oil For Warts: Final verdict

The bottom line is that, as long as CBD oil is extracted within the proper parameters, it does have benefits for the skin, and it can aid in treating skin conditions like warts. It has many components that can actively combat skin conditions, and that might prove to be more efficient and have fewer side effects than traditional medication. Another thing to take in consideration is that CBD oil seems to be a wonder treatment, that aids not only one condition but a plethora of health problems. It’s very easy to hit two (or more) birds with one stone when you start using CBD oil as a regular treatment.

It is a matter of time until big pharma brands start to cash in on the CBD oil craze. However, in the meantime, there are lots of CBD skin care products already out there, and more are launching each and every day. Therefore, if you are curious about CBD and just looking for something to help with your conditions, or just want to generally improve the aspect of your skin, I encourage you to give those products a try.

Now it is your turn

Do you suffer from warts or another skin condition? Or know someone who does? Have you ever used CBD to treat it? Write about your experiences in the comments below. My aim with this website is to create a solid knowledge base in order to educate more and more people on the benefits of cannabis. However, I need your help to do this. So please add your voice to the conversation, let us know if CBD oil worked for you and how your experience was, or anything else you think is relevant, and help me in my mission to educate the world about this wondrous plant.

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CBD Oil For Alcoholism: How To Get Off The Grog For Good /cbd-oil-for-alcoholism /cbd-oil-for-alcoholism#comments Tue, 09 Mar 2021 16:18:24 +0000

Can CBD oil help me stop drinking?

With the price of rehab at astronomical levels, millions of people around the globe are trapped in an addictive cycle without an alternative. I was one of them, until I came across an article revealing the latest findings on CBD and addiction. So I started thinking, what if instead of turning to alcohol to “self-medicate” (because, let’s be honest, it is not a medicine) turning to CBD could provide the ultimate solution?

Table of Contents

01. What Is CBD Oil? | 02. CBD Oil & Alcoholism | 03. Best CBD Oils | 04. Comments

I decided to go for it and invest in a small bottle, to see for myself if it really worked. Within a month, my cravings were significantly reduced and I was no longer drinking on a daily basis. Today, I can proudly testify that I am 12 months clean, and CBD provided me with the extra help I needed to finally kick the habit for good. CBD offers a cheaper alternative to traditional treatment options for alcoholism, and the science behind it is a breakthrough in the world of addictions!

By the way, CBD has zero intoxicating components, so in case you were wandering, I did not “replace” alcohol with CBD. Read on to find out all the exciting benefits of this modern miracle, and for an in depth exploration of the science behind CBD.

CBD is effective at soothing emotions and can smooth the journey to recovery, helping to reduce the urge to drink.

What is CBD oil? Does it affect stress?

CBD oil is a cannabis-derived plant extract, recently discovered to treat a wide range of both physical and emotional conditions. Although the term cannabis is typically associated with marijuana, the name describes a family of plants that includes hemp as well. CBD oil is derived from hemp, which is only classified as such, if it contains less than 0.3 percent THC – the famous intoxicating compound. Full-spectrum CBD actually does contain trace amounts of THC, but the percentage is so minuscule that even large doses won’t get you baked (you need actual marijuana for that).

The properties of the THC compounds compliment the benefits of the CBD and ensure that the full benefits of the plant medicine are reaped. Both THC and CBD are famous for their soothing properties, and CBD oil has been shown to reduce mood-related disorders like anxiety, depression and general  stress. Scientific research supports this, with findings having shown that CBD has a positive effect on the way the basolateryl amygdala (fight or flight) receptors process anxiety or aggression. Additionally, research has revealed that CBD oil stimulates receptors in the hippocampus (the emotional control centre of the brain), to release comforting chemicals that combat stress.

What are the leading causes of alcoholism?

The root causes of alcoholism vary from individual to individual, but there are four major influences that contribute to the development of an alcohol dependency. These causes fall into categories that include psychological, social, environmental and hereditary factors. Let’s take a closer look at how each one contributes to the onset of alcoholism:


It seems genetics is the number one cause of alcoholism, with scientific research revealing 51 genes connected to alcoholism. These genes cause an individual to exhibit alcoholic tendencies regardless of social, environmental or psychological factors. The genes are passed down from generation to generation in an unpredictable pattern, leaving future generations vulnerable to the disease.


Alcohol-dependency often starts out as a way to self-medicate when faced with overwhelming emotions. In time the unhealthy coping mechanism can get out of hand, leading a person to drink compulsively. As the illness progresses, alcoholics develop tolerance and need to drink more and more to keep the demons at bay (in other words, to suppress emotions).


Recent research has explored the link between access to alcohol as a cause for alcoholism. It was found that individuals living within close proximity to bars or bottle stores are more likely to develop the addiction. Income also plays a major role in alcohol-dependency and (contrary to popular belief) higher earners are more likely to turn to the bottle than those living below poverty. 


Many people look to alcohol as a means to achieve a sense of belonging. New career or living environments can lead a person to seek social connections through alcohol. In time this can become a full-blown addiction and lead to a downward spiral. Unsurprisingly, people raised in an alcoholic family are the most susceptible to developing a dependency, with subconscious patterns at play. 

Does CBD oil work to treat alcoholism?

A number of scientists believe that CBD could play a key role in the treatment of alcoholism. Animal studies have proved that CBD assists in reducing symptoms associated with addiction, such as cravings and withdrawal. While research is still in the early stages and human patients have yet to be tested, evidence has surfaced that shows CBD to reduce alcohol intake in alcoholic rodents. Additionally, the findings concluded that the plant extract helped to prevent relapses, all of which points towards an effective medicine in the treatment of alcoholism. There are also studies that have shown CBD to reduce the use of tobacco in addicted cigarette smokers by 40 percent. 

Can I drink alcohol while taking CBD oil?

When I first contemplated using CBD to quit drinking, this was the first question that came to mind. Given the nature of alcoholism, I learnt the hard way that it was unrealistic to expect perfection whenever I tried to quit. Recovery can take time, with long periods of abstinence interspersed with several relapses. While I have finally overcome my addiction with the help of CBD, it took a year or so to completely break the habit without the occasional deviation. Fortunately, you can drink alcohol while taking CBD, although it can amplify the effects of alcohol and result in drowsiness.

Will CBD oil hurt your liver?

Unlike antibiotics or other chemical medications, medicating with CBD while consuming alcohol is not a problem. In fact, studies done on animals have shown that CBD prevents alcohol-induced liver damage, and additionally protects the brain cells. These preliminary clinical trials also suggest that CBD may help to reduce blood alcohol levels. This makes the cannabis-derivative ideal for those caught in the grips of alcoholism as it supports overall health, even in the event of a relapse.

One drug for another: Is there a risk of becoming dependent on CBD?

The World Health Organization has declared CBD as non-addictive and “safe to consume in large doses”. As a natural medicine, you can use CBD for life and reap a number of healthy rewards. The plant-extract promotes emotional and physical health, and early research suggests that it may even lead to a prolonged life span. You will not find yourself craving CBD at any time, and may even need to set reminders in order to stay on top of your dosages.

CBD is different to drugs and alcohol, as it contains only trace amounts of THC with zero intoxicating effects. Although THC is psychoactive in large quantities the compound need not be avoided, as it contains beneficial properties that work alongside CBD. The properties in CBD facilitate noticeable improvements after a few weeks of consistent usage, providing a more stable means of emotional maintenance.

Best CBD oils to help you quit drinking

Here are a selection of reliable, lab-tested CBD oils that range in strength. Recovering from an addiction is notoriously difficult, and for this reason it’s probably best to go for the highest dosage of CBD you can afford. It will help to ease the withdrawal and there are a variety of flavours available to choose from. Typically it is recommended to start with small dosages of CBD and work your way upwards, but due to the nature of chemical addiction, your body could do with a boost to ease the symptoms associated with kicking the habit. It’s a good idea to go for the full spectrum oils, so you can reap the added benefits of THC as well.

Final Verdict: CBD oil as an alcoholism treatment

CBD helped me to break the cycle of my alcohol addiction, and there is widespread scientific research to support the benefits of CBD in breaking alcohol-dependency. In addition to reducing cravings, CBD can assist in stabilizing blood-alcohol levels and protect the liver in the event of a relapse. It also prevents damage in brain cells, and provides emotional support by reducing overall stress-levels. The miraculous medicine has soothed the anxiety that led me to drink in the first place, and allowed me to get a good night’s sleep without alcohol. This cutting edge breakthrough in the treatment of addiction is a cheaper and healthier alternative than chemical-based medicines, providing a much needed solution to millions of alcoholics around the globe.

Now It’s Your Turn

If you would like to share a story about CBD oil or other CBD products, especially in terms of alcohol recovery, please leave a comment on the forum below! This website is dedicated to providing education on all things cannabis-related, and your story could be life-changing for someone else. With scientists still in the initial stages of providing quantitative data on the benefits of CBD, information in the form of unbiased user reviews is a strong factor for those wishing to try CBD.

You never know what impact your story could have, and it could be the one that helps to make a difference in the life of someone struggling to overcome a health condition such as alcoholism.

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CBD Oil For Edema /cbd-oil-for-edema /cbd-oil-for-edema#comments Tue, 09 Mar 2021 05:59:15 +0000 /?p=757

Can CBD Oil Help With Edema?

Fluid retention can appear from injury or inflammation. CBD has been known for its great anti-inflammation properties. But can CBD oil actually help to treat edema? Read on and find out.

Table of Contents

01. What Is CBD Oil? | 02. CBD Oil For Edema | 03. Best CBD Oils | 04. Comments

What is CBD? 

CBD (or cannabidiol) is a non psychoactive compound from cannabis plant. It will not give you the well-known euphoric effect that THC has. CBD is famous for its health benefits. The list of CBD’s benefits and what CBD is proven to help with is quite long: CBD relieves pain and inflammation; reduces anxiety and depression; reduces acne; reduces oxidative stress; calms epilepsy. Furthermore, I found several articles stating that CBD might help with some condition by reducing psychotic symptoms, prevent diabetes, benefit heart health and alleviate cancer-related symptoms. However, the research on this topic is quite limited, so these benefits are not scientifically proven, but there are many testimonies online from people that say that CBD has definitely helped them.

What are the main causes of edema?

Fluid retention, or edema, is caused by many things including 6 major factors. Not drinking enough water to flush out your system can cause retention – if you do not drink water, your body will then hold on to it (or retain it) to survive and keep organs functioning. Deficiencies of magnesium also cause water retention. Magnesium is a very important nutrient in our body and we need to intake at least 200 milligrams daily. Not doing so may lead to swelling. Not getting enough potassium may cause our organs to not function correctly and cause our bodies to hold on to water, since those very organs are what keep our water storage functioning. While vitamin B6 may also cause water retention, reasoning as to why was not supplied in the article. Regardless, this can be avoided by eating certain foods rich in B6 vitamins. Consuming too much salt also causes edema. If you eat too much without drinking water to flush it out of your system, you may hold on to that water weight.

With that said, processed foods are often flavoured with excessive salt and sugars, which our bodies aren’t meant to process. By consuming these things, your body is again getting too much of what it doesn’t need and in turn will retain water. Finally, drinking water, or not enough, will also impact your body! The more water you drink, the less your body will hold on to. Drinking water flushes out your system and helps your body not retain, so everything runs smoother and theoretically functions correctly. If retaining water, movement or exercise helps let go of those fluids. Also, elevating legs, eating more naturally occurring foods like fruits and vegetables, not wearing constricting clothes and avoiding hot showers all help in ridding ourselves of edema. 

What To Look For In Quality CBD Oil

Everything You Need To Know Before Buying CBD Oil Maybe you’re considering a more holistic approach to medicine, or you just want to see what the buzz is about. If you’re thinking about buying CBD oil, then this article is for you. I’m going to share with you everything you need to know before you shop. Cannabis medicine works. It truly does. That’s why the medical marijuana ..

CBD oil and fluid retention: What’s going on?

CBD oil has shown to be a good pain reliever and to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. However, there is limited research available on this topic, so it is really hard to tell if CBD actually helps with fluid retention. Preliminary research suggests that CBD may reduce food intake and boost metabolism, which could promote weight loss, but it is still not clear if it works from fluid retention. And is CBD a diuretic? The research states: “The present studies demonstrate that doses of CB agonists that produce these effects also reliably increase diuresis. Diuretic effects of several CB agonists were measured in female rats over 2 hours immediately after drug injection, and results were compared with hypothermic effects.” So from that we may assume that there are some effects that may potentially be helpful. But this research was held on rats, so it is not proved that the same effect will be for people.

Does CBD help treat edema?

Edema, which is also known as fluid retention, is the buildup of fluid in the body’s tissue. Most commonly, it affects legs or arms. Symptoms of edema can include skin which feels tight, the area may feel heavy, and affected joints may be hard to move. Other symptoms depend on the underlying cause of the appearance of edema. CBD is known to decrease the inflammation in the body. Edema is a good example of inflammation and based on many testimonies from people that used CBD in their treatment, I can tell that CBD can actually be helpful in dealing with edema. However, it should not be treated as the only medication from edema.

CBD Cream for Tendonitis

Can CBD oil cause water retention?

CBD has a physical effect on the body and brain. After you consume this cannabinoid, it binds with the ECS receptors of the endocannabinoid system, interacting with the central and peripheral nervous system, without creating any psychoactive effects. Scientists have concluded that CBD oil is safe for human consumption and it comes with only a few minor side effects. While cannabinoids affect everyone a bit differently, it looks like the majority of CBD users can consume CBD oil without any adverse reactions. While doing my research, I couldn’t find any specific information about CBD causing water retention in the human body. So from what I’ve found, CBD oil is safe and may cause only minor side effects, which do not include water retention.

The best CBD oils for edema

CBD side effects

CBD has some minor side effects. But in general, CBD is considered to be safe and not harmful for the human body. Moreover, it is almost impossible to get overdosed by CBD, especially if the CBD is pure. So these side effects include: tiredness, nausea, diarrhea, irritability, changes in appetite, weight gain or loss, fatigue. Moreover, CBD can also interact with some medications, so before you start using CBD oil, you should definitely consult with your doctor about this decision and just to be completely sure that CBD will not make your condition worse. This will help you to avoid potentially harmful interactions.

One study has shown that CBD-rich cannabis extract has a potential to cause liver toxicity. However, this research was performed on mice, so it doesn’t fully prove the statement above. Generally, CBD is considered to be safe and not harmful for health, but, please, keep in mind that different people can react differently to it. I would highly recommend discussing your usage of CBD with your doctor, which will help to avoid any harmful side effects. Also, CBD can cause some insignificant side effects, such as dry mouth (or cottonmouth) . It is likely due to cannabinoids altering receptors in the lower jaw that triggers secretion of saliva. Mostly it causes mild discomfort, which is easily taken away by drinking a glass of water right after taking CBD oil. It is good to know that CBD oil tends to give you a feeling of tiredness, but it might something you are going for. 

What drugs should not be taken with CBD?

You have to avoid CBD if your medications have a grapefruit warning on the label.

This warning indicates that people taking the medication should avoid consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Initial studies show that CBD can definitely mess with medication levels in your system, even if you’re taking your prescribed dosage. But more research is needed to determine the severity of CBD interactions across different medications and to develop recommendations for taking them along with CBD. So the first thing you should do is consult with your doctor in order to avoid any interactions.

CBD oil for edema: final verdict

In my opinion. CBD oils will be a great addition to your daily routine and diet and to your common medication, rather than the only treatment for edema. You should definitely take other medicine in order to get rid of edema and not just rely on CBD oil. Mild edema can go on its own, but if its more severe form, the it may be treated with drugs that expel excess fluid in the form of urine (diuretics). Your doctor may prescribe you medication and determine whether these types of medication will be good for you. That’s why it is very recommended to talk to your doctor before starting taking CBD in order to avoid any unwanted result or interaction between CBD and other prescribed medication.

Now it’s your turn

If you have any interesting experience with CBD, especially in treatment of Edema, please feel free to share your stories and thoughts in the comment section. Your thoughts will be highly appreciated! We want to make educational information about CBD more accessible and people’s testimonies and experiences play a huge role in contribution to this information. Also, if you have any questions about CBD and edema, please write them in comments, so we can help you out and clear things up for you! When you are looking for proper medication recommendations or any reviews, you definitely check the comment section. People are sharing their thoughts, observations, experience and it is amazing to have a good platform for creating a forum for people, who are looking for any advice. So, please, feel free to share your story or ask any questions. That will be much appreciated!

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Will CBD Oil Relieve A Sore Throat? /cbd-oil-for-sore-throat /cbd-oil-for-sore-throat#respond Mon, 08 Mar 2021 01:24:46 +0000

CBD Oil For A Sore Throat

Winter is the most wonderful time of the year, but at the same time it brings many problems, especially with health as our immune system is more vulnerable to different viruses and diseases. Flu, coughing, sore throat are all typical symptoms of spending too much time outside without wearing proper warm clothes. Sore throat is a usual thing people are struggling with during winter, so what can be done in order to get rid of it? Will CBD, an active ingredient in the cannabis plant and well-known pain reliever, help with the sore throat? Read on and let’s find out.

Table of Contents

01. What Is CBD? | 02. CBD For Sore Throat | 03. CBD For Sore Throat Pain | 04. Best CBD Oils For Sore Throat | 05. CBD Side Effects | 06. Comments

What is CBD oil? 

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is commonly used product, which is produced from cannabis sativa plant. CBD is one of over 100 chemical compounds that can be found in this plant. CBD oil doesn’t have that ‘high’ effect or any form of intoxication, but other cannabinoid, known as THC is the one that has psychoactive effect. CBD oil is great option for someone, who looks for relief from pain without any effects of marijuana. CBD can influence special receptors in our body, which are responsible for the regulation of emotions, mood. Mostly, people use CBD oil in order to relieve pain or become more relaxed. So, people who struggle with depression or anxiety definitely chose CBD over some antidepressants, as CBD has shown to have less harmful side effects as some of the prescription medications.

What causes a sore throat?

Usually sore throat is a symptom of a flu or a cold. Sometimes sore throat can be caused by smoking, but mostly it is caused by viruses or bacteria. Sore throats caused by viruses are often accompanied by other symptoms, such as runny nose, red eyes, mild headache, fever, sneezing or coughing. Sore throat can be also caused by air pollution, air dryness, allergies or different irritants in the air. To treat the symptoms of a sore throat with a cold, people mostly take pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or naproxen to relieve pains of cold and sore throat. CBD is also a great pain reliever, as it has an influence on some receptors in our body, which are responsible for emotions and mood. So when you take CBD oil, you get a feeling of calmness and relief, which will help you to deal with some symptoms of the sickness.


Is CBD oil good for a sore throat caused by a cold? 

CBD oil can be a very good pain reliever, which can help when you are struggling with sore throat and other symptoms of a cold. But it definitely should not be the only remedy from all of the symptoms. I would recommend to take CBD oil alongside with other medicine for better and faster results, but it is also worth consulting with your doctor, as it is said that CBD oil can interact with some kind of prescription medication. However, treatment of a cold doesn’t usually require any prescribed medicine, so in my opinion it is safe to take CBD oil. So, CBD can actually help to ease some symptoms of sore throat caused by the cold or flu. There is no scientific proof or any research available stating that you can get rid of sore throat just by taking CBD oil, so it should definitely be taken with other medications, which are commonly used in such situations. 

Is CBD oil good for strep throat?

Strep throat is a sore throat with fever caused by streptococcal infection. There are many testimonies available online from the people sharing their experience using CBD oil. From what I found, I can assume that CBD oil can cause some dryness in your mouth if it’s taken without water, but it doesn’t cause strep throat at all. Some people say that CBD oil can actually cause a temporary scratchy throat, but it can be prevented immediately by drinking some water after you took CBD oil. Also, there is no evidence that it can be good or bad for strep throat. But also some people say that CBD is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, so it can help with treating minor bacterial infections. But most of all, it’s an effective pain reliever – so it will definitely help alleviate the pain involved with strep throat.

How CBD oil helps manage pain from sore throats

CBD is commonly used to treat depression, anxiety, as it has shown to help with relaxation and to be a great pain reliever. Moreover, CBD has natural antibacterial properties, which might help to fight some bacterial infections that can be caused by cold or flu. CBD helps any inflammation from the sickness, so sore throat should be relieved by it. CBD is a great pain reliever, so it will also reduce the pain levels. If you choose mint or lemon flavours or CBD oil with lemon oil, it will help you to boost vitamins for immune system. Some researches has shown that CBD has a value of a low-risk antidepressant as its side effects are less harmful.

A Look At CBD Oil’s Use In Pain Management

CBD oil – from the cannabis plant – has been used for decades in order to relax and calm down the nerves. Meanwhile, its use is becoming increasingly popular for pain relief – including for muscles, joints, headaches and more. But while CBD is known to help us relax, does CBD actually help relieve pain, or just manage it? Read on and find out. What is CBD? Does it do anything?..

The best CBD oils for sore throat

If you have a sore throat and are looking for some alleviation, these are the best CBD oil brands to try.

Does CBD have side effects? Does CBD oil make your throat dry?

CBD has many health benefits, but of course, where is a plus, there is a minus. CBD is not an exception in this rule. There are some side effects of CBD, for example: nausea, diarrhea, irritability and fatigue. CBD can also increase the level of blood thinner Coumadin in your blood. Generally CBD is considered safe and not harmful for health, however it may still cause different reactions in some people. It is also good to know that CBD can interact with some prescription medication, so discussing taking CBD with your doctor is very recommended in order to be sure that you are safe and CBD won’t make your condition worse.

CBD can also cause dry mouth, which usually occurs when you are using oil drops. Some researches suggest that it is a result of CBD’s interaction with endocannabinoid receptors in human brain, which are responsible for the production of saliva. But of course, this problem is easily solved by drinking a glass of water after taking CBD oil. In case of having already dry throat, I guess, CBD oil might cause some mild discomfort, but there is no evidence that it can make your throat dry or worsen your sore throat. 

Final verdict: Is CBD oil good for sore throat?

First thing that everyone should keep in mind when taking CBD oil that it is not a cure to every illness or disease. It is not medication, it is rather dietary supplement, despite its many health benefits. There is no research or studies available, which state that CBD oil will cure a sore throat. But, it’s good to remember that CBD oil has shown to be a great pain reliever. Moreover, it is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, so it has something to offer, when you have a flu or caught a cold. In my opinion, CBD oil is an amazing addition to your common medication, rather than the only treatment for a sore throat. You should definitely take other medicine in order to get rid of sore throat and not just rely on CBD oil.

Now it’s your turn

When you are looking for proper medication recommendations or any reviews, you definitely check the comment section. People are sharing their thoughts, observations, experience and it is amazing to have a good platform for creating a forum for people, who are looking for any advice. Have you ever used CBD oil while having a sore throat? What was your experience? If you want to share, please leave a comment down in the comment section. It will be great to hear from you. The mission of this website is to be an educational forum, where people can find information, reviews, stories that will help them in their further experience with CBD oil. Your comments will definitely help others in order to shape their thoughts on medical benefits of CBD oil. So, please, feel free to share your story or ask any questions. That will be very appreciated!

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Does CBD Oil Help Relieve Acid Reflux? /cbd-oil-for-acid-reflux /cbd-oil-for-acid-reflux#respond Tue, 23 Feb 2021 12:00:57 +0000

CBD oil and acid reflux

Typically when we are sick or suffering, our first port of call is to book an expensive appointment with the nearest doctor. While this is beneficial, Western medicine frequently does little to alleviate suffering and all you’re left with is a bag of pills and a hefty bill.

These days the miraculous benefits of CBD oil have been widely reported, but science is still in the early stages of gathering enough evidence to prove it. If you are new to the plant-based world of CBD, you may be wondering what it is, how it works, and most importantly, can it be used to alleviate acid reflux?

Table of Contents

01. What Is Acid Reflux? | 02. Will CBD Treat Acid Reflux | 03. CBD Side Effects & Dose | 04. Best CBD Oils For Acid Reflux| 05. Comments

If you’ve ever had acid reflux, you’ve probably tried everything from medication to lifestyle changes. When I first tried CBD for anxiety, I couldn’t believe my luck when my physical symptoms were alleviated too! So if you’re interested in hearing more about CBD oil and reflux, read on!

What is acid reflux? What causes it? 

Acid reflux, also known as acid indigestion or heartburn, is a common stomach condition that causes hydrochloric acid to flow back up through the esophagus. In healthy individuals this powerful stomach acid is used to break down food, and protect the body from bacteria. However the esophagus is not equipped to handle the potent acid, and as a result patients suffering from acid reflux are prone to painful heartburn. This is a sharp pain that can be felt in the lower chest area, typically after eating, but has nothing to do with the heart. Lifestyle habits such as smoking, overeating, abusing prescription medication and a lack of exercise are known contributor to this painful condition.

CBD as an acid reflux treatment

When I first heard about CBD oil’s potential to manage anxiety, I had no idea that the plant medicine actually appears to be the future of stomach treatments as well. After taking CBD for a few weeks, I began to notice improvements in my anxiety levels and found the courage to finally socialize the way I used to. What I did not expect was that shortly after my anxiety disappeared, I would notice an improvement in my heartburn as well. At first I didn’t put two and two together but one day it hit me, perhaps the properties of the CBD had caused this amazing alleviation.

After researching further, I discovered that there is already strong evidence to suggest that CBD has a positive effect on the treatment of stomach conditions, including acid reflux. While it is recommended that you consult with your doctor’s and continue to take any medication prescribed, I can personally confirm that CBD oil will have a profound impact on pain relief and possibly even heal your acid reflux entirely. Of course, results vary from person to person and severe cases should not rely on CBD alone as a cure, but in my case the oil has completely cure me of any heartburn.

Can CBD oil make acid reflux worse?

With studies and tests swaying towards the positive impact of CBD oil on acid reflux, it seems a certainty that the plant medicine will worsen your symptoms. However while the cannabinoid oil itself will not cause any harm, impure CBD can cause gastrointestinal distress that may worsen heartburn temporarily. According to Dr Kenneth Brown (a well-known gastroenterologist) pure CBD has been “shown to help heal ulcers and decrease acid reflux.” So essentially, it is important to source high quality CBD oil that is as pure as possible, in order to avoid worsening any acid reflux symptoms.

CBD oil and the stomach: What’s going on?

Scientists have conducted studies on animals with a similar biochemical makeup to humans, and the results have shown that CBD oil can literally help to heal the digestive tract. The research proved that when CBD is ingested, it binds to the CB1 receptor (the part of the nervous system linked to the intestines). This literally inhibits gastric acid secretion, which is directly responsible for ailments such as stomach ulcers and acid reflux. In addition to this, CBD prevents acid reflux whilst simultaneously promoting a healing blood flow to the stomach lining. While scientists have confirmed the benefits of CBD on stomach related ailments, the verdict is still out in terms of why and how.

What are the side effects of CBD?

CBD is a natural plant extract and according to Medical News Today has no known side effects. This is proven in a statement given by the World Health Organisation in 2018: “to date, there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.” While there are no side effects to CBD, a rare one percentage of users suffer from cannabis allergies, and reactions typically range from a running nose or wheezing chest, to an outbreak of hives all over the skin.

In extreme cases the allergy can cause anaphylactic shock, which if left untreated can be fatal. However, there are signs leading up to this that offer the opportunity for immediate treatment and these occurrences are few and far between. Ninety nine percent of CBD users report only benefits such as an improved mood and dramatic pain relief. It is possible to be tested for a cannabis allergy before investing in the oil, so chat to your doctor about this option if you’ve never smoked weed in your life and want to play it safe. 

What To Look For In Quality CBD Oil

Everything You Need To Know Before Buying CBD Oil Maybe you’re considering a more holistic approach to medicine, or you just want to see what the buzz is about. If you’re thinking about buying CBD oil, then this article is for you. I’m going to share with you everything you need to know before you shop. Cannabis medicine works. It truly does. That’s why the medical marijuana ..

CBD oil for acid reflux dosage  

The only way to find the perfect dosage for you and your unique body, is through an experimental process that could take anywhere from a day to a few weeks. Factors such as weight and severity of symptoms, means that there is no one size fits all when it comes to dosing and CBD. The best way to approach this is to start with a light dose of between 8 and 28 mgs, and stick with it for a period of one week. After this, if you still haven’t noticed an improvement, you can up the dosage by 5mgs. Repeat the monitoring process for another week and again only increase by 5mgs after that.

The only thing you need to be aware of when taking CBD oil, is that it can react with certain prescription medication. For this reason it’s best to consult a doctor before you unknowingly create a chemical cocktail of sorts. Honestly when it comes to pure CBD oil, you cannot overdose, so personally I wouldn’t worry too much about taking something with such beneficial healing properties. The only reason to limit your dosage is simply to make a little go a long way.

Best CBD Oils For Acid Reflux

There are many CBD oils and creams on the market, but the quality and value can definitely vary by a lot. Here are my top recommendations for CBD creams that are from proven US CBD companies.

Final verdict: Should you use CBD to treat acid reflux? 

In my humble opinion I would one hundred percent recommend using CBD oil to treat acid reflux as the benefits are already scientifically proven. This ancient plant contains a host of healing properties that will heal not only heal your body, but your mind and soul too. The only thing to consider is your source of CBD oil, because it is very important to use pure CBD in the treatment of acid reflux. Do your research and find the most reliable supplier around, because impure CBD can actually worsen symptoms.

Now it’s your turn

When I was first looking into CBD as a treatment option, I relied heavily on qualitative data such as online reviews. If you have a story or a burning question about CBD oil or anything cannabis related, please feel free to share your thoughts below. My mission on this site is to create an educational forum where patients can use firsthand information to form an opinion about the medical use of CBD oil. Your comments are valued and appreciated!

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CBD Oil For Inflammation: Does It Work? /cbd-oil-for-inflammation /cbd-oil-for-inflammation#respond Sun, 27 Sep 2020 04:47:00 +0000 /?p=853

Is CBD good for inflammation? 

Inflammation is a natural response of our body when it gets harmed. CBD, an extract from the cannabis plant, is a great remedy that can be used to treat many common ailments. But can CBD help with inflammation? Read on and find out!

Table of Contents

01. What Causes Inflammation? | 02. CBD Oil & Inflammation | 03. CBD Dosage | 04. Best CBD Oils For Inflammation

Inside inflammation: What are the main causes?

Inflammation is a protective response of our body and the mechanism of the body’s defence when it’s healing. Inflammation usually happens when a certain physical factor triggers an immune reaction in our body. This condition does not necessarily mean that you have an infection, but an infection can be the cause of inflammation. There are two different types of inflammation, called acute and chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation happens when the body gets injured, infected. Immune system releases cells to the areas that are affected, which causes redness and swelling. Moreover, acute inflammation can cause some type of pain. It may be constant and steady, throbbing and pulsating, stabbing, or pinching. Chronic inflammation is a prolonged response in the body.

What is CBD oil? Is it an anti-inflammatory?

CBD is a chemical compound that can be found in marijuana plant. It is not a psychoactive chemical, so you will not get ‘high’. Some studies have shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that help with treating inflammation in human body. And that’s why most people are using CBD to relieve the pain and reduce inflammation. Moreover, CBD has been shown to reduce relieve joint pain without inducing serious side effects. Studies on the topic of CBD benefits for human body are quite limited, and the results can be mixed. But the people’s testimonies that are available online state that CBD oil is very helpful, as many people are sharing their unique experience and stories about how CBD helped them to deal with inflammation. It is also good to know that CBD has shown to have antibacterial and antifungal properties that can play a huge role in dealing with inflammation in body as well as on the skin and also boost the efficiency of anti-inflammatory properties.

What does CBD do for pain?

As we know, CBD is a great pain reliever. There are many testimonies from people that state that CBD is actually very effective when it comes to pain management. Cannabidiol may affect the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for how we handle the pain. CBD can prevent our body from absorbing anandamide, which means that its levels will rise in the bloodstream. The increase of anandamide in blood causes a reduction of the pain. However, you should know that only there is limited research is available in order to actually prove CBD to have pain-relieving effects, so further research is definitely needed to understand how CBD works in human body.


CBD and inflammation: what the research tells us

In a review published in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry in 2015 the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD were discussed. The scientists that made this review stated that CBD can reduce inflammation through several pathways in the body. Also, CBD is an effective potential treatment for a wide range of conditions that can be characterized by inflammation. Another study that was published in 2016 in Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation investigated CBD as a treatment for pancreatic inflammation in mice that had diabetes. The result of this research was that the mice that had CBD treatment showed significant reduction in immune-cell activity, which causes inflammation. A research that also deserves to be considered is a 2017 study in the journal Pain, which examined the effects of CBD in male rats with osteoarthritis. The showed that acute inflammation of the joints was reduced by local CBD treatment applied to the area. Moreover, the administration of CBD was also found to prevent the development of nerve damage and joint pain.

Other CBD benefits

Unfortunately, there is a limited research available on the benefits of CBD and how it affects human body. However, some studies have shown that CBD supports and protects skin barrier function. Moreover, CBD has shown some other skin benefits, as its anti-inflammatory properties influence the health of our skin. CBD calms down the inflamed skin and help to keep it smooth and protected. That’s why CBD is largely used in the skincare products. If CBD is used in the product with other amazing moisturizing oil, the result of using CBD topically will be twice better, as it will make the cream you are using work more effectively. Moreover, CBD oil has shown to be a good treatment for depression and anxiety, leading many who struggle with these disorders to become more interested in natural treatment.

CBD dosage: How much do I take?


There is no ‘correct’ CBD dosage. The optimal dose for a consumer depends on some important factors, such as body type, CBD tolerance, and consumer’s level of pain or discomfort. The type of CBD product and its concentration also play a huge role in dosage, since some CBD products interact differently with the body than the others. It is good to know that any CBD product you purchase will come with its own dose guidelines, but still experiences can vary based on how the body reacts to CBD.

The ideal CBD dose usually depends primarily on your body weight, but it can also be influenced by factors, such as personal body chemistry, age, and any other health conditions you may have. The good thing is that CBD is generally considered safe for humans, even in large doses as high as 1,500 mg per day. However, doctors also noted that some dosages or types of cannabinoid might suppress your immune system, allowing tumours to grow unchecked, which is serious issue. Much more research than what we have right now is needed to discover the possible therapeutic uses of cannabinoids. Before trying CBD, be sure to talk to your doctor or physician about the dosage appropriate for you and any potential risks that you may have. If your doctor tells you how much to use, stick to their recommendation accordingly.

If your doctor doesn’t provide a recommendation, it is recommended to go with the trial and error method, which means to start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase it based on your feelings and results you are looking for. This could mean starting with 20 to 40 mg a day. And then gradually increasing the dosage by comparing the results and what you are looking for.

Best CBD oil for inflammation

CBD helps inflammation, so any genuine CBD oil can be used. However, I personally love the Respira Hemp Oil by Elixinol, which contains 300mgs of CBD oil and a divine Grape Mint Flavor that can be vaped. I use the 30ml CBD oil which has a high concentration of 60mg CBD per 1ml. You can find my other recommendations for inflammation below.

CBD oil for inflammation: final verdict

In my humble opinion, CBD is a great natural remedy for inflammation. If you are dealing with inflammation on the skin, I would definitely recommend you trying CBD creams and lotions, which also work amazing for the muscle pain or joint pain. CBD creams usually go with other essential oils and herbs that help our skin to be smooth, to calm down the inflammation, as they make the red area cooler and reduce the inflammation. But if you take CBD orally, it is a great dietary supplement that will help you better deal with the inflammation in your body, as it will make your body relaxed and well rested and will reduce the inflammation inside.

Of course you should never only rely on CBD if you see that it doesn’t work for you as you wanted and the inflammation only got worse. You should definitely consult with your doctor, who will help you to find the right treatment in order to avoid any worsening. Moreover, if you are taking any prescription medicine due to other health conditions, you need to be careful and consult with your doctor about starting taking CBD. CBD can interact with other prescription medicine, which can lead to some unknown consequences, side effects and influence the effect of your medication. Moreover, if you are taking CBD inside, you should watch your diet and not take any products that have grapefruit juice in them, because it can also interact with CBD. Always be careful with what you take inside as a dietary supplement and check the descriptions of the medications you are taking in order to prevent any side effects and worsening in current health condition.

Now it’s your turn

CBD is a unique remedy, but not many people know about its beneficial properties. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can help people who are struggling with pain and discomfort that is caused by inflammation. Have you ever used CBD to treat inflammation?

Would you recommend taking CBD oil to treat pain or inflammation? Do you feel like you have some relevant stories about how CBD helped, please feel free to share your story in our comment section. That will be much appreciated! It will be very helpful for other people to learn about your experience in order to decide if the CBD is the right solution for them. The exchange of thoughts and experiences on our platform is very important. Your comments are valued and highly appreciated by our community.

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Lazarus Naturals: Review And Product Guide 2020 /lazarus-naturals-review /lazarus-naturals-review#respond Wed, 26 Aug 2020 03:38:37 +0000 /?p=831

Here’s What You Need To Know About Lazarus Naturals

Lazarus Naturals is a CBD company that has shown to have great products with high-quality ingredients. By using sustainable farming methods, carefully controlling what goes into the land and fields, Lazarus Naturals will be fully certified organic by 2022, which is amazing. Lazarus Naturals is a company that is proud of their hemp, as it is responsibly grown on their farm in Central Oregon, USA. The simplicity and rigorous third-party testing helps this company be one of the leaders on the market.

About Lazarus Naturals

Lazarus Naturals was founded on the belief that quality CBD products should be accessible to those who need them most. But who actually owns Lazarus Naturals? Lazarus Naturals is an employee-owned company. The company is owned by Sequoia Price-Lazarus, who is CEO and Founder. Sequoia founded Lazarus Naturals in 2014 with the mission of making high-quality CBD products that are accessible to everyone regardless of financial circumstances. Sequoia leaded the Assistance Program at Lazarus Naturals which offers lifetime 60% discounts to veterans, individuals on long-term disability and low-income households, which is a great initiative. You can find out more about the application and other information related to Lazarus Naturals CBD assistance programs on their website, where the company explains everything about this initiative in details. Another great thing is that at Lazarus Naturals feedback from customers and stories how CBD helped in their everyday life plays a very important role and helps the employees feel fulfilled and motivated to work even better. Lazarus Naturals manufacture their products in-house and rigorously third-party test to ensure their safety and high quality.

Lazarus Naturals proudly stands by the potential of their great products and continues to follow its mission through community outreach, assistance programs, earnestly providing 60% discounts to people who really need it, such as: veterans, individuals on long-term disability and for low-income households.

Is Lazarus Naturals any good? 

Lazarus Naturals products are natural, and thoroughly tested by a third party lab for potency, pesticides and heavy metals, which shows that company is very responsible and transparent about their products. The question is: “Is Lazarus Naturals legit?”. I think, it definitely is! The company offers amazing products, assistance programs for those who can’t afford their products and also it educates customers about CBD by using their platform. Another question is: “Is Lazarus Naturals full spectrum?” And the answer to this is that Lazarus Natural offers full spectrum product, but not all of their products are full spectrum, so people can choose from. Lazarus Naturals offers full spectrum CBD tinctures, massage oils, coconut oils, capsules, lotions. You will definitely find something you like!

Also, it is good to know that the company guarantees that their testing process ensures they offer a product that is natural, safe and consistent. And you can check all of these test results under the Test Result tab on Lazarus Naturals website. Moreover, the company encourages its customers to talk to their doctors about CBD before buying and taking it and learning more about the benefits, which shows that the company cares about the health and better experiences of their customers. In the company’s blog you will find very useful information about adding CBD to your everyday routine and which product will be better for you, etc. And company frequently updates their customers on what is happening in the company, updates on planting and farming, etc. Also, what I have noticed from the reviews and comments left on the Lazarus Naturals website, people share their love for the pain relieving effect that Lazarus Naturals products give and people enjoy the variety of CBD products that this company offers.

Lazarus Naturals reviews

Lazarus Naturals has many positive reviews online. For example, Emme Wicks left a comment on “They have a very cool discounts, the only company that truly cares about their customers. Thank you Lazarus Naturals”. Another customer on the same website wrote: “Real high potency and it helps me to relieve my pain almost completely – I love it.” summarised review of Lazarus Naturals with these words: “Between their sky-high manufacturing standards and selfless ethical leadership, Lazarus Naturals is CBD made for the people by the people.”

Dwight K. Blake reviewed Lazarus Naturals on “People who need to take high CBD doses will also find Lazarus Naturals a true friend as they will get their preferred products at highly affordable rates.”

Another happy client shared his long experience using Lazarus Naturals. He wrote in the comments on “Been using Lazarus Naturals for a couple years and have always been more than happy with the quality and especially the cost of this high quality product. Have chronic back problems, helps tremendously!!”

From these reviews on different websites and forums we can definitely see that Lazarus Naturals is a decent trustworthy company and that their products are loved by customers for their affordability and are very helpful for people suffering from chronic pain.

Lazarus Naturals product guide

The company offers a great range of products for all kinds of needs you may have.

Lazarus Naturals offers tinctures in a wide array of potency and flavour. Whether you prefer full-spectrum hemp extract products or THC-free formulations, you can find everything you like. 

Lazarus Naturals offers easily administered capsules that are available in full-spectrum 100 and 200 mg varieties.

This product is made with isolated CBD. This product does not contain any THC. CBD isolate comes in bulk, terpene-infused, or raw varieties.

Coconut Oil
CBD Coconut Oil is a popular option for those, who are looking for a versatile CBD product. We infuse our full-spectrum hemp extract in organic coconut oil and it can be enjoyed as a delicious ingredient in your favourite foods, rubbed on your skin, or consumed right out of the jar.

All Lazarus Naturals products for pets have a convenient chart of suggested serving amounts, so you know exactly what is best for your pet.

CBD RSO is ideal for individuals looking for higher potency products. It is made with the full spectrum extract and standardized to 100mg/ml with Organic Coconut MCT Oil.

Topicals are a fantastic way to address localized discomfort. Lazarus Naturals offers balms in a variety of scents as well as a soothing CBD massage oil. All topical options are absorbed directly into your skin to release all the benefits of CBD and, are made with all-natural ingredients and our full-spectrum CBD hemp extract.

In Lazarus Naturals bundles you will find all your favourite products of the brand in one pack for a very good price.

Final verdict: Is Lazarus Naturals CBD worth buying??

In conclusion, from my observations and research I’ve made on this company, I can tell you with absolute confidence that not only is Lazarus Naturals legit, but it is also one of the best quality CBD companies on the market offering a wide range of products. There are many positive reviews from happy clients, which will definitely buy new products from the company again. Lazarus Naturals has a generally positive reputation online, because of their generous assistance programs, 90-day return policy, and overall transparency about their products. Lazarus Naturals offers affordable high-quality products and their transparency and customer support make them even more appealing and trustworthy. The company also shows a great commitment to social issues. I would definitely recommend trying Lazarus Naturals products, as they offer a great variety of products, so everybody has something to choose from that they need and like.

However, it is also recommended to discuss taking CBD with your doctor or healthcare provider before buying or trying any CBD products. This will help to prevent any unwanted side effects and worsening of your health condition. With unique health benefits of CBD, and lab-tested high-quality that Lazarus Naturals offers, I would definitely recommend giving this company a try!

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Now it’s your turn

Have you ever tried any of Lazarus Naturals product? How was your experience using it? Did it help you in any way? If you have any experience or story that you would like to share about Lazarus Naturals or maybe simply a CBD-related comment, you are welcome to contribute your thoughts to the comment section below. Or would you like to share your personal experience using CBD as a treatment, please feel free to do so! All your comments will be highly appreciated. This website is dedicated to helping people that suffer from different conditions to find relief through the multiple health benefits of CBD, and good CBD companies that offer best high-quality products on the market for a very reasonable prices. You never know if your comment helps somebody to discover unique properties of CBD that will improve their everyday life. Also, I believe that helpful comments will lead people to form their own opinions on CBD and helps them to make their decisions if they want to try CBD or other products, which contain CBD.

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CBD Oil For Narcolepsy: Everything You Need To Know /cbd-oil-for-narcolepsy /cbd-oil-for-narcolepsy#comments Tue, 25 Aug 2020 01:23:13 +0000 /?p=836

A Look At CBD Oil And Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a chronic condition for which, as we know, there is no cure. It is a sleep disorder, which can be characterized by overwhelming drowsiness during the day and sudden attacks of sleep. Could CBD, an extract from cannabis, be the treatment that can help to deal with it? But how can CBD help with this condition and does it actually work? Let’s find out. 

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is famous for relieving a long list of ailments, from pain to epilepsy to even multiple sclerosis. This chemical compound comes from, however CBD does not make you high, unlike another well-known compound which is also derived from the marijuana plant, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

CBD oil has proven to be a great product. In many pieces of research there has been found that CBD is able to calm people and make them feel relaxed. And at the same time, it is able to keep people alert and awake. 

What is narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy is considered to be a neurological disorder which affects our sleep and wakefulness cycles. People that suffer from narcolepsy feel sleepy during the day. These sleepiness attacks can occur at any time of the day and during any activity. Center For Narcolepsy states that this condition is a rare activity which is estimated to affect 1 in every 2,000 Americans. Narcolepsy is a lifelong and disabling illness. Narcolepsy can also be accompanied by loss of muscles, hallucinations and sleep paralysis. The symptoms of this disorder include: excessive daytime sleepiness, which is the most common symptom,

mental cloudiness, memory lapses. lack of concentration, mood swings, and extreme fatigue, sudden loss of muscle movements, slurred speech, total body collapse. More advanced symptoms are hallucinations, delusions and sleep paralysis that temporarily enables you to move or speak while waking up or falling asleep.

CBD and sleep: What’s going on?

Recently,  CBD products have hit the market offering sleep relief with less side effects than other treatments used for sleeping disorders. The question that immediately pops into my mind is: “Is CBD good for falling asleep?” And the answer to this is yes. Recent studies have shown that CBD interacts with receptors in endocannabinoid system and those receptors affect our body’s sleep/wake cycle. So then there is another interesting question: “Does CBD oil make you sleepy during the day?” And fortunately, the answer is no. People who use CBD recommend taking it before going to bed, but it’s not because CBD makes you tired, it reduces anxiety and pain that may be the reason why you can’t fall asleep. And if you take CBD during the day, you will get the same effect without feeling drowsiness.

 Does CBD help narcolepsy?

There are now increasing numbers of people who are suffering from extreme fatigue during the day who are curious to know if their condition could be addressed by making use of cannabis oil? There are apparently people who are getting so tired that they simply have no other choice but to take a nap during the day. Many of these people might be suffering from what is known as narcolepsy. It can severely weaken a person and in a worst-case scenario people can actually fall asleep behind the steering wheel or while shopping. Research has shown us that narcolepsy is substantially more than extreme tiredness.

This condition can also involve sleep paralysis as well as hallucinations and a condition which is known as cataplexy. This latest condition is a severe sleep disorder which results in a situation where patients actually experience a partial or complete loss of control over their muscles. This can be brought about by emotions such as sadness or laughter. It can make its presence known very early on such as in childhood or adolescence. People can be greatly afflicted by this condition for many years.

Unfortunately, scientific research has not yet discovered any cure from narcolepsy but there are several useful stimulants that can help to deal with this disorder such as caffeine and also CBD. Multiple pieces of research have shown that people who suffer from narcolepsy can benefit from the use of cannabis oil. Cannabidiol or CBD is known for help in relieving a number of health issues: anxiety, depression, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, chronic pain and many more. And the reason why CBD is so helpful is that CBD work with the receptors that are present in the Endocannabinoid System in our body. CBD has proven to be miraculous for relieving the symptoms of many sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnea, REM behaviour, insomnia, as well as narcolepsy. The most common symptom of narcolepsy of cataplexy, which leads to a brief loss of muscle movement and usually arises due to sudden emotions such as anger, surprise etc. This condition can disrupt the normal sleep pattern, which leads to narcolepsy.

CBD is an effective remedy which can help in controlling these sudden emotions that cause cataplexy. Studies show that CBD interacts with different receptors present in our brain. Daytime sleepiness can result in feeling tired which can also create disruptions while sleeping the next night. Adding CBD oil in your daily routine can help in stimulating your daytime alertness and having more energy to do your activities.

Research around CBD and narcolepsy

In Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Sleep: a Review of the Literature published on 2017 is stated that initial basic research has suggested that medium-/high-dose CBD can be associated with an increase in the percentage of total sleep. This is supported by a pilot study in humans showing that high-dose CBD was associated with improved sleep.

Another research published in CNS & neurological disorders drug targets called “Cannabidiol partially blocks the sleepiness in hypocretin-deficient rats. Preliminary data” concludes that CBD might prevent sleepiness in narcolepsy supported by the analysis of sleep data which showed that CBD blocked the sleepiness during the lights-off period.

Research published in 2014 called “Potential Effects of Cannabidiol as a Wake-Promoting Agent” showed that CBD acts as a positive compound in different treatments to manage several health conditions. However, more research is needed in order to determine the mechanisms by which CBD regulates sleep.

CBD dosage guide

There is no right or wrong dosage, because every body reacts differently to CBD. That’s why experimentation is key in finding what works best for you. CBD can have a variety of effects depending on dosage, product and time of day as well as individual body chemistry. Several studies has proved that CBD is best used for short-term sleepiness, as the effects may diminish over longer period of time. Products like CBD tinctures and sublingual sprays offer immediate effects, while edibles and oils tend to release CBD more slowly, which helps you sleep longer. One of the main advantages of CBD is that it does not cause any feeling of ‘high’, like its psychoactive counterpart THC, so you will not feel that euphoric feeling after taking CBD.

Since every person’s body is different, a right dosage can be determined only through trial and error method. According to the studies conducted, the dose of CBD ranges from 10 micrograms to 25mg. The right dosage can be determined only by using the smallest dose at first and then increasing it gradually until it produces a wanted effect. However, It is always better to talk to a health physician before using CBD in order to avoid any side effects or interactions with other medications. 

CBD oil for narcolepsy: final verdict

In my opinion, it is really hard to talk about the benefits of CBD in treating narcolepsy, as more research needs to be done in order to verify the effect of CBD on this disorder. But I can definitely tell that anyone who consumes small doses of CBD are be more alert, which might be something that can help the person struggling with narcolepsy. The dosage of CBD is very important in this case and people with this condition must ensure that they take enough to provide them with the necessary benefits. As we have seen in the studies CBD can help to significantly improve the consistency of the sleeping cycle. And good sleep helps to feel better during the day without being tired. However, many studies that have shown CBD can induce wakefulness or alertness were performed on rats, so it’s hard to tell if the human body will experience similar results. What we know from these studies is CBD can affect the brain directly in the region called hypothalamus, which causes alertness and modulation of sleep.

Now it’s your turn

Have you ever tried to treat narcolepsy with CBD? Have you seen some results that helped you to deal with this disorder? If yes, please share your experience using CBD in the comments. Your comment might be helpful for someone who also struggles with this life-long disorder. CBD has shown to be a very good treatment, which helps to calm down and treat sleep disorders, but not many people are aware of its benefits. That’s why all comments are highly appreciated!

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Green Roads CBD: Review & Product Guide 2020 /green-roads-review /green-roads-review#respond Mon, 24 Aug 2020 07:04:56 +0000 /?p=826

U.S. CBD company Green Roads is famous for its commitment to offer safe and effective alternatives to chemical prescription medications. Green Roads provides high-quality products that are formulated for therapeutic purposes. The variety of products is something that makes this company stand out among other CBD brands. Options vary from products for beginners to experts, so anybody can find something they like.

Inside Green Roads

In my experience, the company pays huge attention to the customer service to make the experiences using Green Roads products the best possible. And who owns Green Roads CBD? The company was founded by entrepreneur and expert in hemp Arby Barroso and licensed compounding pharmacist Laura Fuentes in 2013. After long years of creating high-quality products, Green Roads CBD products are now sold in over 10,000 retail locations and the company is ranked as the largest privately-owned CBD company in the U.S. according to the Brightfield Research Group. And this all happened because of Laura and Arby’s dedication to the well-being of their customers. High standards for quality control and consumer transparency in the CBD industry make Green Roads stand out from other companies. Moreover, in both 2018 and 2019, the founders of Green Roads were honored with the Cannabis Business Awards “Advocate of the Year” honor, which is incredible. The price of Green Roads CBD products is not cheap, it’s quite competitive when compared to other prices on CBD market. However, considering the quality of the product and the more expensive C02 extraction method, there is no doubt that you’re paying for the quality product and not for something that can be dangerous or give you unwanted results. Also, if you’re not satisfied with Green Roads’ products, you can get a full refund and return the items back.

And this definitely shows that Green Roads is confident about its products quality and effectiveness of the CBD. Green Roads also offers daily dose options, such as CBD tea coffee and chocolate, and even CBD products for your pets. As we know, these are broad-spectrum products, which contain hemp-derived CBD with zero THC. If you like flavour there a few of flavour options, such as mint breeze or apple kiwi. For those who seek full-spectrum CBD products, Green Roads recently added 3 new full-spectrum CBD oils, which you should definitely check out!

Is Green Roads CBD good?

After doing some research on Green Roads CBD, I can tell you with absolute confidence that it is one of the best CBD companies on the market. There are many positive reviews and comments from customers about amazing products. But what is Green Roads CBD used for? For many therapeutic purposes. And does Green Roads CBD get you high? The answer is absolutely not! Green Roads’ CBD products won’t get you high and won’t have any effect on your work activity as all their products have less than 0.3% THC. Green Roads holds itself to a higher quality-control standard and offers greater transparency to its customers, which is not that many CBD brands do. Green Roads sources hemp plants grown within the Colorado, Kentucky, and Oregon in the United States. The brand supports domestic farming efforts by partnering with American farms that maintain high standards of hemp cultivation and growth. Moreover, Green Roads tests every batch to ensure purity and most importantly safety.

You can easily check lab reports by simply scanning the QR code on the packaging to see the results specific to the product you bought. You can definitely expect excellent customer service, because it is one of the companies values and from customer reviews we see that the company does it best to make customer service on top. I would definitely recommend giving Green Roads CBD a try, especially if you’re only starting taking CBD and haven’t tried it! And the company offers amazing bundles, where you can find all your favourite products combined and for a good price!

Green Roads CBD reviews

As for reviews there are tons of positive comments from happy customers of Green Roads. For example, Jenna B shared her experience on Trustpilot: “I have been using Green Roads for about a year now and I’m more than happy with everything I have tried. All the gummies are wonderful, provide pain relief and have been consistent. Love Green Roads and will continue to order their products!”

Another review of Green Roads states: “Green Roads excels at every step of the manufacturing process — from sourcing their products from the world’s best hemp, extracting using CO2 methods, testing for potency and purity, posting lab sheets online, and offering a customer-friendly return policy. If you’re looking for the most trustworthy CBD brand on the market, look no further than Green Roads.”

Green Roads customer Alton Boyce shared his experience using the products from the brand on ”I could never be more thankful to any CBD brand than GreenRoads. I have quit smoking completely with the help of greenroads. I felt it lowered my urge to smoke and at the same time it detoxified my body. Both of these were much needed as I was now developing a huge dependency upon weed. It feels amazing to be clean and healthy once again.” From these comments and reviews we see that the company is decent and people love using its products and will definitely continue buying more of Green Roads CBD products.

Green Roads product guide 

Green Roads offer a wide variety of products for everyone who’s interested in CBD.

CBD For Beginners
Green Roads offers a Beginner’s Bundle, which is a collection of products that lets you experience how CBD can fit into different elements of your wellness routine, from daily support to relaxation and sleep.

CBD Oils
Green Roads CBD Oils are pharmacist-formulated, premium blend of hemp-derived cannabinoid extracts.

CBD Topicals
Green Roads CBD topicals deliver on-the-spot, plant-based support wherever you need it most. The topicals support your tired muscles and joints and help to soothe your skin.

CBD Edibles
Best-tasting CBD gummies and CBD chocolate on the market!

CBD Capsules & Softgels
Green Roads CBD capsules and softgels will support your overall well-being and focus on relaxation.

CBD For Pets
Green Roads CBD pet drops are perfect for thunderstorms, trips to the vet, daily aging-related challenges, and when other sources of stress emerge.

CBD Coffee & Tea
Green Roads Hemp Flower Coffee and CBD Tea are delicious ways to upgrade your daily routine or start your morning with delicious brew.

“Indulgence Line”
A collection of CBD bath bombs and essential oils designed to enchant your every sense while supporting your well-being.

Hand Sanitizer
Green Roads’ spray-on hand sanitizer protects hands against common germs, bacteria and diseases.

Gifts & Bundles
There are many bundles available for any taste and level of experience, so you will definitely find something you like. 

Start Here Image

Final verdict: Should you buy Green Roads products?

In my humble opinion, Green Roads products are definitely worth trying. Amazing brand story and background makes the company even more trusted. There are so many different products available that you will find something you like and the product that will work the best for you. Aside from the huge variety of products Green Road has a customer service, which is nothing to complain about and people are definitely enjoying the products and shre their positive feedback. I like that how easy it is to check the lab results by only scanning the packaging instead of trying to find the documents somewhere on the website. And customer support team deserves the praise, as it does it’s best to solve any kinds of issues regarding the products as fast as possible. Moreover, it is good to know that sometimes Green Roads offer promotions on several items, even though they already seem quite affordable. So you can definitely find even better deal.

Another part about Green Roads that I like is their story and mission. There is a team of professionals behind the brand and it shows in the quality of products. Among Green Roads huge variety of products anybody can definitely find something new to try. And never worry about the quality, because the company is completely transparent about each and every product they sell. 

Now it’s your turn

Have you ever tried any of the Green Roads CBD products? What was your experience using Green Roads products? Please feel free to share your stories and thoughts on this brand in the comments below. That will be very helpful for others, who have never tried products from this company and are curious if Green Roads products are good. The feedback is highly appreciated. I want to create a free platform for thoughts and exchange of experience, where people can get educated on topics related to CBD and great CBD brands. This will definitely help someone to discover a great brand that can potentially help to improve the daily life.

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