Can CBD Oil Reduce Wrinkles?

CBD has taken the world by storm, first and foremost for its ability to treat multiple health conditions. Yet the benefits of CBD reach far beyond this monumental medical breakthrough, with CBD causing a stir in the realm of beauty-enhancement too!

CBD is already used by billions of people around the globe as an effective mood stabiliser, pain killer and overall healer of various conditions. If you’ve heard anything about the medicinal benefits of CBD, it’s likely to leave you wondering if CBD can be used to combat aging too.

With the value modern society places on beauty, anti-aging products are sought out globally for their ability to prolong a youthful appearance. Unfortunately most scientifically-engineered products are only afforded by the elite, leaving no choice for the rest of us but to cultivate charisma instead. The good news is that CBD has presented an affordable option, so now we can all age gracefully and even reverse early signs of aging. The fact that CBD can effectively replace a number of common medicines (and beauty products) is a solid fact-based reason to invest in CBD. For those new to the CBD scene, please note that this hemp-derived extract does not have an intoxicating effect. CBD is derived from hemp, which is different to marijuana, and contains less than 0.3% THC.

CBD presents an affordable option, because you can buy multiple medicines and beauty products all in one!

How CBD Oil Is Shaking Up The Beauty Industry

Natural products are nothing new in the world of beauty, with recent years seeing consumers make the switch to chemical free and plant based products. The widespread awareness of environmental concerns has resulted in a green cosmetic trend, which is already in full swing. With the CBD skincare industry predicted to be worth $1.7 billion by 2025, this magical plant is set to make some beautiful waves in the next few years. Even now CBD is super-trending in the beauty industry, with products available for all purposes, from cosmetics to deodorants and soaps.

While organic and eco-friendly products are typically high-end, pure CBD oil has presented a multi-product option that ultimately saves time and money. CBD is available both topically and as an oral supplement, and will enhance the beauty of the skin, hair and nails. As an added bonus CBD has a pleasant uplifting effect and can be used to treat certain medical conditions as well. As CBD is a plant-derived product it is safe to use all over the body, making CBD baths a popular choice for skin care and relaxation.

What causes wrinkles? How can I get rid of them on my face?

Wrinkles are the natural result of aging, but there are a few other factors that speed up signs of aging that can actually be controlled. One of the most common causes of wrinkles is exposure to the sun’s rays, so a good natural sunscreen is mandatory in any skin care routine. Other causes of wrinkles include a lack of sleep, stress and smoking (all of which can be helped by CBD) as well as chronic dehydration and poor nutrition. Forgoing an anti-aging treatment will definitely cause wrinkle to form faster, but luckily this is one of the easiest factors to take care of.

In previous years, traditional anti-aging treatment included a combination of day and night moisturizers, serums, eye creams, exfoliation and plenty more to get rid of wrinkles. However all of these options are expensive, and while they may reduce the appearance of wrinkles temporarily, they are not effective in the long run. CBD offers a natural solution that can be used to target wrinkles on both the body and the face. It can be taken orally, applied topically to affected areas, or even used in the form of oil droplets in a bath.

What does CBD do for skin?

While scientific studies are still in the early stages of proving how CBD works, qualitative data points towards the effective anti-aging properties of CBD. What researchers have already proven, is that CBD is a potent antioxidant – possibly even more powerful than vitamins E and C. In a study published by the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences, it was found that CBD is “more protective against glutamate neurotoxicity than either ascorbate or a-tocopherol, indicating it to be a potent antioxidant.”

This is concrete evidence that CBD is an effective anti-aging treatment, as antioxidants are known to combat free radicals (which break down collagen and cause aging). This means that CBD acts against the loss of collagen, keeping skin more youthful firm and reversing signs of aging such as wrinkles. The powerful healing properties of CBD can also visibly reduce the appearance of scarring, and effectively moisturize the skin as well. CBD is basically the missing puzzle piece in the human body’s endocannabinoid system, which is why there are so many healing benefits within CBD.

Can CBD oil make you look younger? Does it get rid of wrinkles?

When I first began my quest to find the best skincare product known to humankind, I did hours of research and discovered the traditional ingredients known to have an effect. But after buying some products and using them for a few months, I still hadn’t noticed any particularly dazzling effects. Seeking expert advice I was told that products in-store contain only minuscule amounts of the touted ingredients, doing little to delay the onset of age. I began to realise that there was no point in purchasing ineffective products, and so decided to look into alternative treatments for the reversal and prevention of aging.

With scientifically-formulated anti-aging products costing more than I make in a week, investing in these type of products was out of the question for me. As I was searching for a solution, I came across an article about the amazing antioxidant properties in CBD. I decided to go for the full-spectrum oil, so that I could use it as a sleeping aid at the same time. I applied a few drops of oil to the wrinkles on my face each day, and took a few drops each night as well. I immediately noticed an improvement in my sleep, and within two months the crows feet around my eyes had started to fade.

Other Ways CBD Is Used In Beauty

In addition to applying the pure oil to my face, I decided to add a few drops to my other products as well. Green products are typically more expensive, but in addition to skin care CBD offers an all in one solution for dental hygiene, lip moisturiser, nail health, and hair growth too. As a fan of natural beauty products I prefer to invest in a bottle of pure CBD and distribute it into my other products, than to purchase CBD products combined with any artificial chemicals. With one bottle of pure CBD I can create DIY anti-aging creams and masks, as well as add droplets to my bath to prevent bodily wrinkles. I also add CBD to my shampoo and toothpaste, and use it to strengthen my nails.

Joy Organics CBD skincare bundle

The Best CBD Oils To Combat Wrinkles

If you’re looking to CBD for its anti-aging properties, then it’s safe to say that you should stay away from smoking it. Instead, a combination of oral and topical treatments can help with the treatment of wrinkles. The direct application of CBD to target areas can be especially effective. When choosing a CBD product for anti-aging, remember the more potent and pure the CBD content, the more powerful the effects.

  1. VerifiedCBD: CBD Oil Natural Flavour (30ml/ 3500 mg)
  2. Elixinol: Hemp Oil Drops, Natural Flavour (120 ml/3600 mg)
  3. Charlotte’s Web: Original Formula CBD Oil (30 ml/50 mg)
  4. CBDistillery: CBDol Topical (30 ml/500 mg)
  5. CBDPure: Hemp Oil 600 (60ml/ 600mg)

Now It’s Your Turn

If you have experienced any of the healing and beautification benefits of CBD, please share your comment below for others to learn from! With research still in its early stages, people hoping to benefit from CBD rely on the testimonials of others and your voice can help to spread the word. This website is dedicated to providing information on CBD and all things cannabis, so that people around the world can learn about the miraculous properties of this wonder plant.