CBD Oil for Sleep Problems

Sleep is essential to the well-being of the body, mind and soul, with even small disturbances in a healthy sleep cycle impacting our ability to function at an optimum level. Yet traditional sleep medication is known for its harmful side effects and potentially addictive properties. In fact there is so much taboo around chemical-based sleep medication, that before learning about CBD, I chose to rather suffer from a lack of sleep than swallow the terrifying pills.

My sleep meditations didn’t seem to work, and it reached a point where I would burst into tears randomly at any given moment in the day. I did not have a sleep disorder, but I was struggling to sleep due to my racing thoughts and emotions. Sometime last year, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and her progressive doctor recommended that she try CBD. When she first told me about the miraculous plant medicine, I initially thought that the whole idea was nonsense and dismissed the whole conversation as the result of the CBD trend.

Although I have always been pro-natural medication, I suppose the thought of a mainstream cannabis-derivative left me sceptical. In my innocence I used to think that CBD would get you high, in which case the treatment of anxiety seemed pretty plausible to me! I have since learnt that CBD can be found completely THC-free, so there is literally no chance of intoxication. In addition to the fact that it is psychoactive-free, it turns out that CBD actually promotes a noticeable improvement in emotional health.

Considering there is typically an emotional component to good quality sleep, this eventually led me to wonder whether CBD oil could be used to support a healthier sleep cycle. I began to research CBD in depth, and discovered that not only can CBD aid in a peaceful night’s rest, but the incredible plant extract can be used to treat a wide range of physical ailments too. While scientific research is still in the early stages of discovering how the plant works, the verdict is out that (no matter the how) it definitely does.

The western medical industry has traditionally shunned plant-based remedies, but early research on CBD has revealed that this cannabis extract contains healing properties too powerful to ignore.

What is CBD oil? What is it used for?

It seems that CBD’s reputation is overshadowed by the fact that it is an extract from the cannabis species. However, the cannabis family is made up of two different sibling plants that should never be confused. While both Hemp and Marijuana contain similar healing properties, the key difference is that Hemp does not contain any THC, while Marijuana is smoked specifically for the THC. So if you are worried about accidently getting stoned before work, rest assured that CBD is an extract from the Hemp plant, and has literally been declared as “safe to consume in large doses” by the World Health Organisation.

With all the hype surrounding CBD, it may seem to novice users that this powerful plant extract is too good to be true. However there is both scientific evidence and qualitative data to support the fact that CBD deserves to be taking the world by storm. The verdict is out that CBD offers a wide range of health benefits, and enhances the treatment of both emotional and physical ailments. Perhaps the most exciting discovery about CBD is that it can be used to treat multiple health issues simultaneously.

CBD oil

In addition to providing neurological support for issues such as anxiety, depression, general stress and anger management, CBD is known to be an effective pain reliever as well. There is actually an incredibly long list of medical conditions that can be treated with CBD including epilepsy, gastrointestinal issues, and so much more. CBD is the future of modern medicine and offers multiple benefits that supports overall health and provides much relief, including a good night’s sleep.

What are the common causes of sleeping problems?

Sleep problems are triggered by a number of factors, ranging from emotional and physical conditions to environmental factors. Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety or even a major life stressor can trigger acute insomnia for a period of time, and if left untreated, this can lead to a chronic sleep disorder. Physical discomfort too can lead to a poor quality of sleep, and impact the overall health and functioning of an individual. Living in a noisy neighbourhood or sleeping in uncomfortable conditions also impacts the sleep cycle, although typically these issues are fairly easy to solve. Another common cause of sleepless nights is attributed to disruptions in the typical sleep cycle (such as shift work or a late night out). The body’s inbuilt sleep clock, known as the circadian rhythm, is highly sensitive to change and easily disturbed if sleeping hours are irregular.

How does CBD oil affect sleep?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is known to have a soothing effect on an individual’s emotional state, by stimulating receptors in the hippocampus (the emotional control centre of the nervous system). CBD simultaneously benefits the way that the basolateryl amygdala (fight or flight) receptors process emotions such as anger or fear. Since the majority of sleep problems are linked to emotional irregularity, it makes sense that CBD can also promote a peaceful night’s sleep as well. In a recent month-long scientific study conducted on 103 adult patients, suffering from sleep problems and anxiety, it was found that sleep improved by 66 percent when the patients supplemented with CBD. Additionally anxiety was improved by 79 percent, and this qualitative data is only the beginning of the growing evidence that points towards a major medical breakthrough.

Will CBD oil give me a better night’s sleep?

I can personally testify that CBD oil was the only thing that helped me get a good night’s rest and relief from constant fatigue. It may take a while to find the right dosage for your individual needs (especially if you start low), but after a few weeks of experimentation I am willing to bet that you will find the magic dosage that has you drifting straight into dreamland. Remember to stay patient and hopeful with the CBD, it works on a deeper level and you need to wait for it to rewire your system so to speak. Typically people report improvements in sleep anywhere from one day to a few weeks after beginning treatment.

Does CBD oil have health risks?

According to Medical News Today, CBD oil has no known side effects and it has been approved as safe by the World Health Organisation. The only real possibility of a health risk, is the 1 percent chance of an allergic reaction to the plant. It is always best to consult your medical practitioner before using CBD, particularly if you are taking any other supplements or medications that may react with it.

Best CBD oils for sleep

When I first decided to try CBD oils to help with sleeping, I didn’t realize that not all brands are created equal. Like any product, there are high quality manufacturers and low quality manufacturers. The problem with skimping on quality CBD oil, is that you are not guaranteed a 100% pure product. Aside from the potential harmful chemicals in knock-off CBD products, you will not receive the full spectrum of medicinal properties and the product may not work. To prevent this from happening, take a look at my top ten picks of quality CBD products from reliable sources. I have tried all of these products and found each of them to be highly effective in promoting a good night’s sleep:

  • Charlotte’s Web: 60mg/ml CBD Oil, Mint Chocolate (30 mL)
  • CBDistillery: 33mg/ml THC-Free Pure CBD Oil Tincture, Flavourless (30 mL)
  • Elixinol: 300mg Cinnamint CBD Oil Drops Tincture (30 mL)
  • CBD Pure: 3.3mg CBD Pure Hemp Oil 100, Unflavoured (60ml)

Now It’s Your Turn

If you have a story about CBD oil or CBD in general, please feel free to leave a comment and help add to this educational forum. Your voice is valuable in the field of CBD qualitative research, and your story could be life changing for someone deciding whether or not to give CBD a try.